
This sandwich shop is Florence's most legendary street eat

  • All'Antico Vinaio is a must-try when visiting Florence.
  • The shop is in the heart of the city center, just minutes away from Piazza della Signoria.
  • Sandwiches are made with a local bread called schiacciata.
  • The shop has an endless selection of cold cuts, cheese, and homemade creams like the truffle cream and the artichoke cream.

All'Antico Vinaio in the center of Florence is the go-to place to savor an epic sandwich. Placed number three on the top 10 of the most reviewed restaurants on TripAdvisor, it is a must try when visiting the Tuscan city.

All'Antico Vinaio is just minutes away from Florence's Piazza della Signoria, the famous piazza where this guy, Michelangelo's "David," used to stand fiercely until it was replaced by a replica. Unlike its neighboring statue though, Antico Vinaio hasn't been moved to a museum... yet.

"Antico Vinaio was born at the beginning of the '60s because it's a very historical shop," owner Tommaso Mazzanti told INSIDER. "It was founded by the Posani family, then my parents bought it at the end of the '80s, in 1989 to be exact. The nice thing is that in the first years of the 2000s I started working here as well. I joined when I was very young. This partnership between my parents and me is what led this place to be the talk of the town. It's an honor for us."

All'Antico Vinaio was born as a single shop. But it has then expanded and opened three more shops on the same street and employs more than 50 people. On a busy day, they can serve up to 700 customers. Sandwiches are done with a local bread called schiacciata, which is heated up in the kitchen and brought promptly to the counters, ready to be sliced.

"Schiacciata is, first of all, a very typical product from Florence. It's totally different from focaccia. We can say it is "our bread." It's a type of bread that is salted. It's different from our table bread, which is not salted, so that's also why schiacciata is typical. It's made with ground salt, oil, yeast, and water. The nice thing about schiacciata is that we managed to turn a product that over the years had become a bit obvious. When I was a child, it was a common thing for me to go out and get a schiacciata sandwich with ham. My grandfather took me. But now we managed to turn this product into something that you have to taste when you visit Florence. It's a great satisfaction for us to be the pioneers of schiacciata."

The shop has endless selection of cold cuts, cheese, and homemade creams like the truffle cream and the artichoke cream. Customers can choose from the schiacciate on the menu, or they can get creative and fill theirs with anything they want. For a great combo of flavors and Tuscan products, order the Favolosa, the all-time favorite and best seller.

"It was the first schiacciata on the menu, when I was little and I worked here with my dad. It was born for fun, we can say. Because it was the typical schiacciata of a customer, the one he always ordered. One day, we don't know exactly why, he took a bite and said: "It's fabulous!" He said it in such a beautiful way that we decided to name it like that. It's our most typical schiacciata because it has sbriciolona, the typical Florentine salami, pecorino cheese cream made by Dad, artichoke cream, and slightly spicy eggplants. This schiacciata has given us so many satisfactions over the years. It was even quoted in Saveur Magazine among the best sandwiches in the world. "

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