
How to upload a video to Vimeo in minutes using the website or mobile app

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  • You can upload a video to Vimeo using its website or mobile app.
  • When you upload a video to Vimeo, you'll need to give it a title, description, and choose its privacy settings.
  • You can only upload videos to Vimeo that you personally created, or own all the rights for.
  • Visit Business Insider's Tech Reference library for more stories.

Vimeo is an online video platform, not unlike YouTube, that allows users to watch and share videos from and with other users around the world.

However, there are more guidelines for uploading to Vimeo than there are on YouTube. For example, you can't upload movie or music clips unless you own them. And depending on what type of account you have, there are different limits on how much you can upload each week.

If you'd like to upload a video to Vimeo, here's how.

How to upload a video to Vimeo on desktop

1. On Vimeo's homepage, click "New Video" in the top-right corner.

2. From the drop-down list, select "Upload."

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3. Choose your privacy settings and select what video you want to upload from your computer or cloud service, and then follow the on-screen instructions.

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4. While your video is uploading, fill in the title, description, and other necessary fields. When you're finished, scroll down and click "Save."

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5. Once the video has finished uploading, you can click the thumbnail image to view it, share it, and more.

How to upload a video to Vimeo in the mobile app

1. Open the Vimeo app and tap the plus icon at the bottom of the home screen.

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2. Choose the video you want to upload from your phone's camera roll.

3. If you'd like to trim or edit your video in any way, do so and then tap "Done" in the top-right corner. If you don't, do nothing and tap "Skip."

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4. Fill in the information section and choose your privacy settings, then tap "Upload" in the top-right corner to finish.

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