
Rockets struck the US Embassy compound in Baghdad, according to reports

baghdad embassy

  • Three rockets reportedly struck the American embassy in Baghdad on Sunday, with one hitting a dining facility in the diplomatic compound, according to CNN.
  • A lawmaker on the House Foreign Affairs Committee wrote online to condemn "violent acts against our diplomatic facilities" and that he was "closely monitoring" reports of an attack.
  • The strike comes two days after hundreds of thousands of people staged violent protests over the killing of two top Iraqi military leaders in accordance with orders from President Donald Trump.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

Three rockets struck the American embassy in Baghdad on Sunday, the AFP news agency reported. 

CNN confirmed the rocket strike, citing a US official. At least one rocket hit a dining facility in the compound and there were reports of minor damage, an unidentified US official told CNN.

The attack was not publicly confirmed by the Pentagon, but the State Department said in a statement published by CNN that American authorities "remain vigilant" as the "security situation remains tense and Iranian-backed armed groups remain a threat," though it did not identify the groups as responsible for the attack.

CNN reported that the spokesperson would not comment further on the security situation in Baghdad and did not confirm whether any employees were injured.

Iraqi Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi condemned the attack, saying in a statement published by multiple outlets that ongoing violence could "drag Iraq into becoming a battlefield."

Baghdad was awash in violence Sunday as Iraqi security forces fired teargas and live bullets in clashes with protesters who were organizing against government corruption, witnesses told Reuters of clashes that killed at least one person.

Rep. Michael McCaul, ranking member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, wrote in a tweet on the committee's account that he was "closely monitoring reports of a rocket attack targeting the US Embassy in Baghdad."

"Violent acts against our diplomatic facilities are simply unacceptable," McCaul wrote. "We must ensure the safety of American diplomats, troops and other Americans in Iraq."

The strike comes two days after hundreds of thousands of Iraqis protested the killing of two key military leaders by US forces and to demand that American troops leave the country.

Tensions in the region shot to new highs after US airstrikes killed Iranian Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani and several others in Baghdad earlier this month. Iran retaliated by targeting two Iraqi military bases housing US and coalition forces with ballistic missile attacks, leaving at least 30 US troops with brain injuries, the Pentagon reported earlier this week.

SEE ALSO: Hundreds of thousands of protesters marched in Iraq to demand American troops leave the country

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