
Jeremy Corbyn says Labour will be 'the resistance' to Boris Johnson after presiding over his party's worst election defeat for decades

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  • Opposition Labour party leader Jeremy Corbyn promises they will lead "the resistance" against Prime Minister Boris Johnson after suffering their worst election defeat since 1935.
  • Corbyn is mocked by his internal opponents in the party after refusing to acknowledge his responsibility for the defeat in the message.
  • Labour MP Neil Coyle compared Corbyn's statement to that of the hapless resistance leaders in the BBC sitcom Allo Allo, with others comparing him to the captain of the Titanic.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

Jeremy Corbyn has promised that Labour will be "the resistance" to Jeremy Corbyn after presiding over his party's worst general election result since 1935.

The UK's outgoing opposition leader used his New Year's message to supporters to promise that Labour would continue to lead the fight against Johnson's Conservative party.

"It won't be easy. But we have built a movement. We are the resistance to Boris Johnson," Corbyn said in a recorded statement.

Corbyn acknowledges that 2019 had been "quite the year" for his party.

However, he insisted that "The fight continues," adding that "there is no other choice."

"We will be campaigning every day. We will be on the frontline, both in Parliament and on the streets," he said.

"Protecting our public services. Protecting healthcare free at the point of use. Protecting our communities, in all their brilliant diversity."

Watch Jeremy Corbyn's New Year message

Corbyn's statement drew derision from his many critics within the party.

Labour MP Neil Coyle compared his statement to that of the hapless resistance leaders in the BBC sitcom Allo Allo, while one former senior Labour official compared him to the captain of the Titanic.

Corbyn's statement comes as his potential successors prepare to begin their official campaigns to replace him. 

The Shadow Brexit Secretary Keir Starmer is the current favourite in the race to replace Corbyn, ahead of his preferred successor, the Shadow Business Secretary Rebecca Long Bailey.

No formal timetable for the contest has yet to be decided but the race is currently expected to conclude in early March.

SEE ALSO: The runners and riders in the race to replace Jeremy Corbyn as Labour leader

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