
I visited Istanbul's Grand Bazaar, which feels like something straight out of 'Star Wars' — and the lack of selfie-snappers gave me hope for the future of travel

Inside Istanbul Grand Bazaar

  • Istanbul's Grand Bazaar has been a center of life in the city for hundreds of years.
  • With more than 4,000 shops on more than 60 streets, it is one of the largest markets in the world.
  • I recently wandered into the market by accident while walking around the city.
  • Chock-full of exotic sights, sounds and smells (and cats), it felt like visiting another world, like something out of "Star Wars."
  • Despite interesting things to see everywhere, I was struck by the lack of people taking pictures.
  • Visit Insider's homepage for more stories. 

"You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy."

So says Obi-Wan Kenobi (Alec Guinness) to a young Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) in 1977's "Star Wars: A New Hope."

He was talking, of course, about the Mos Eisley spaceport, the place where Han Solo (Harrison Ford) and his pal Chewbacca hung out in a local cantina looking for work.

Like the fictional setting in the pop culture pièce de résistance, wandering through Istanbul's Grand Bazaar — the beating heart of a city considered to be the crossroads of civilizations for hundreds of years and packed from almost floor to ceiling with exotic sights, sounds, and smells — can feel like visiting a galaxy far, far away with the sense of wide-eyed wonderment it inspires in those who find their way into it.

I recently wandered into the bazaar by accident while taking a series of trains across Europe from Istanbul to London. Here's what it was like to set foot in this action-packed world that's semi-shrouded in darkness.

The first thing to know about the Grand Bazaar is "grand" barely begins to describe it.

To say the Grand Bazaar is big would be an understatement. According to Turkey's official tourism agency, it has more than 4,000 shops along more than 60 streets. It's absolutely enormous.

Not only is it very big, but it's also very busy.

Hundreds of thousands of people are thought to pass through at least part of the Grand Bazaar each day, a traffic volume akin to the entire population of many cities. Walking about, it was very easy to see that was the case.

It's also full of cats — like much of Istanbul.

Black, white, tabby, calico, striped, Siamese, Van, Ragdoll — there were cats and kittens in every color and breed imaginable. Their apparent fearlessness was awe-inspiring — they either weaved through the thick crowds as if they didn't exist, or just sat upon perches of all shapes and sizes, silently judging passers-by as cats do and purring when people went over to pet them. 

They all appeared well-fed — the friendly felines did not look undernourished like other cats I'd seen (and helped nurse back to health) in other cities. Pieces of cat food and even meat were lined up on the sides of streets in piles along with fresh bowls of water and little saucers of milk, like a never-ending, high-end cat buffet. I decided if I had to be any animal other than a human and could live in any place, I would be a cat in Istanbul.

As Kareem Shaheen and Gökçe Saraçoğlu wrote for The Guardian in 2017, why there are so many cats in Istanbul is a mystery. The city's fascination with felines is also explored in the 2016 documentary "Kedi." In one part of the film, an interviewee describes cats as part of the very soul of Istanbul. 

The cats are also the subject of international acclaim. When former US president Barack Obama visited Istanbul in 2009, he spent some time petting a cat named Gli at the Hagia Sophia.

If the bazaar seems familiar, it's because it had a starring role in a fairly recent James Bond film ...

At the beginning of the 2012 film "Skyfall," James Bond (Daniel Craig) and Moneypenny (Naomie Harris) pursue a villain through the Grand Bazaar, with all the gunfire, explosions, and edge-of-your-seat action one would expect in a 007 film. The chase sequence was filmed on location at the bazaar — and at one point, according to Hürriyet Daily News, a stunt driver actually drove a motorcycle on moving platforms above the Grand Bazaar's roofs.

To my knowledge, there were no suave British agents on secret missions for Her Majesty while I was at the bazaar — and certainly no one driving a motorcycle on anything other than a road.

... But the movie the bazaar really reminded me of was 'Star Wars.'

Maybe it was the exotic sights, such as the ancient, unique architecture and goods for sale whose purpose I could only guess at and whose shape I could barely find the words to describe. Maybe it was the smells, which were equally new and strange and seemed to be a combination of roasting meats, sweet-scented spices, and old stone, blended with a sea breeze blown in from the nearby Bosporus. Maybe it was the sounds: not only did I hear Turkish, but there were snatches of German, French, English, Russian, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Dutch, even Afrikaans and all sorts of other tongues, mixing with the sounds of wind-blown chimes, sizzling food, meowing cats, honking car horns, revving scooters and motorcycles, and high heels and boots clacking against the pavement. Or maybe it was what people were wearing: the street style was out of this world, like its own fashion show — a range of cuts, patterns and colors even more diverse than Tokyo's famed Harajuku or places like Paris, London, or New York.

I couldn't help but feel I was wandering through a market on some distant planet in the "Star Wars" galaxy, and that I was someone like Luke Skywalker experiencing it all for the first time. There were even some people (women in abayas, and a couple Orthodox Christian priests) in black robes; none of them, however (at least to the best of my knowledge), were carrying lightsabers.

I found myself in the midst of the market completely by accident.

Being so large, the Grand Bazaar has countless entrances. Ascending some narrow streets up one of Istanbul's many hills, I didn't even know I was in the Grand Bazaar until I looked up and saw a security guard standing next to a sign that said "Grand Bazaar."

There was barely any visible security — which I found surprising given recent terror attacks in Istanbul and security concerns following Turkish military operations in neighboring Syria.

Other than the uniformed man (who did not appear to be armed) at the entrance I'd stumbled upon, I saw hardly any visible security patrolling the winding streets. It was a marked change from the Old City of Jerusalem, where gun-toting soldiers were everywhere, and made their presence known in the markets of the various quarters.

Since I had found my way into the bazaar by chance, I walked down any street I found interesting. Everywhere I turned there was something new and exciting.

Whatever caught my fancy, I walked towards it. One area seemed to be dedicated exclusively to selling leather jackets, coats, and purses. Another seemed to be only rugs. Another was just clay pots. Another seemed to be — strangely enough — wicker baskets and furniture. And there were more than a few stalls selling just pointy shoes, in seemingly more colors than I thought existed.

It was all just so fascinating.

There was so much to see and experience, I almost forgot that a big reason people come to the Grand Bazaar is to buy stuff.

With more than 4,000 shops (at least), you name it, you can buy it at the Grand Bazaar. Truly, however, I was too distracted to closely look at the wares for sale. And even if I were keen on purchasing something, seeing as I was about to begin a trip by train from Istanbul to London carrying all my earthly possessions with me, I didn't have room for anything more in my two small suitcases and single backpack.

Hardly anyone seemed to be stopping to take pictures. I was pleasantly surprised.

Like a busy metro station or arrivals area at an airport, no one seemed to really be standing around — everyone seemed to keep moving. Although I thought the bazaar looked like the kind of thing Instagram was made for, there didn't seem to be anyone stopping in the middle of its covered passageways to snap photos. I was very surprised — in a good way.

The lack of other people taking pictures also made me somewhat self-conscious. No one yelled at me when I did, but I endeavored to keep the photography to a minimum so not to clog the constantly-moving traffic.

As dusk descended, the crowds were not dissipating. If anything, the bazaar was only getting busier.

I would have thought as evening approached, the crowds would lessen somewhat. I was wrong. And yet, I found the sea of humanity invigorating — after all, everyone has an interesting story to tell. The energy was infectious.

As evening fell on the city and the call to prayer went out, I began to make my way back to my hotel. Just as accidentally as I'd found my way in, I found my way out.

Hearing the call to prayer drifting through the covered passageways and narrow alleys of the bazaar was a goosebump-inducing, moving experience — it was one of the most beautiful things I had ever heard. But it also meant it was getting late. I did need to get back, as I had a mystery to solve regarding whether Agatha Christie (or possibly her ghost) had hidden a secret notebook in room 411 of the Pera Palace Hotel where I was staying. I'd have stayed longer, but I'd be able to visit the bazaar the next day — while my room reservation was only for one night.

I was a bit worried I'd be too lost to find my way out, but exiting the bazaar only took a couple minutes; with lots of entrances, there are also lots of exits.

The Grand Bazaar had made a strong impression — it was perhaps the unexpected highlight of my time in Istanbul. The sense of adventure I felt there seemed fitting, as I was about to begin my own adventure.

My train journey to London was to be no space opera (or so I hoped) like "Star Wars," but I hoped there would be that same sense of possibility, that same sense of wonder, as the films. The Grand Bazaar embodied that perfectly — it was an experience no shopping mall could ever possibly come close to replicating. Because the bazaar, I realized, isn't merely a shopping experience — it also a cultural experience and, quite simply, an adventure. 

And aren't adventures the reason why many people travel?

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