
Berliners tried to send Trump a piece of the Berlin Wall with a message saying 'no wall lasts forever'

berlin wall stunt

  • Berliners tried to send President Donald Trump a chunk of the Berlin Wall on Saturday, along with a message saying "no wall lasts forever."
  • Saturday marked the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall.
  • The stunt was organized by the nonprofit Die Offene Gesellschaft and financed by private donations, according to Quartz.
  • The Secret Service rejected the wall.
  • Visit Insider's homepage for more stories.

On the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, Berliners tried to send President Donald Trump a massive slab of the structure, along with a message reminding him that "no wall lasts forever."

The stunt was organized by the nonprofit Die Offene Gesellschaft and financed by private donations, according to Quartz. It takes aim at Trump's efforts to build a wall along the US-Mexico border to halt illegal immigration.

The 2.7-ton chunk of concrete arrived in Washington, DC, on Saturday, and local media outlets reported that the Secret Service turned it away.

Photos and videos posted on social media showed the wall arriving in the city on Saturday.


Inscribed on the wall was a long message addressed to Trump and signed, "Citizens of Berlin."

"For decades the United States played a major role in bringing this wall down. From John F. Kennedy to Ronald Reagan, the Presidents of the USA fought against it," the message said.

It continued: "We would like to give you one of the last pieces of the failed Berlin Wall to commemorate the United States' dedication to building a world without walls."

The group's managing director, Philip Husemann, told Quartz that it cost "in the low five-figure range to purchase the piece of the Wall and transport it overseas." He said the group bought it from a dealer in Berlin who had a few remaining pieces of the wall.

It's not unusual to transport pieces of the wall to the US. There are already a number of pieces of the wall in cities across the country — from a train station in Chicago to a men's restroom in Las Vegas.

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